New to this world and Jamf

New Contributor


  I want to start off saying I am new to the school world of IT. Been doing years of IT for dentists, and always for profit so its a change of pace for sure. So I took a new job and I have been tasked with moving everything over from eight mac mini servers and configurator / apple school manager information to Jamf. The outgoing IT person is not going to help, and it looks like whatever he setup stopped working over the summer, and wont be able to work since its " the old way of doing this" and likely no longer supported. We want to take away the eight mdm servers and just use Jamf. 


  I followed the JAMF setup assistant and things seemed to go well, I had to create eight tokens and imported all of that. Which brings me to my first question,  Apple school manager says we have 552 total apps but Jamf says 978 when i look in inventory, and the dashboard says 1038 apps synced.  I have no idea how Jamf is getting those numbers. Has anyone see this before or had to consolidate multiple tokens to one? 


  I was able to enroll and setup a test Ipad and that worked fine, except for the location information. It seems to think the ipad is a few states away. Has anyone saw this as well? 


Thanks for any help!

