Posted on 04-16-2023 12:37 AM
I am running Mac OS X 13.3.1 for 100 iMacs, after a schedule maintenance update, I would want to make sure student account is able to login to the iMac.
I used to be able to use osascript but now it give an error keystroke not supported.
`osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"' -e 'keystroke "admin"' -e 'keystroke tab' -e 'delay 0.5' -e 'keystroke "abcd1234"' -e 'delay 3.5' -e 'keystroke return' -e 'keystroke return' -e 'end tell'`
I was reading the articles but not getting any results.
Any others successful method that can share?
Thank you
Posted on 04-17-2023 06:29 AM
If everyone is using a shared account, why don't you just enable that account to automatically log in?
Posted on 04-17-2023 05:42 PM
There are teacher account and student accounts. We will need to login to each to make sure a software can runs. So will need to login to individually. Hope it worth the effort.
Posted on 04-19-2023 04:15 AM
Anyone managed to achieve this?
Posted on 06-27-2024 12:54 PM
You can get this working, but anything after 13.6.1 will no longer work. Seems the critical step you are missing is ensuring that each box will allow System Events. The only way I was able to engage this (allow) was to already have the machine logged in and then run the osascript. Once allowed, you were able to login directly at the login screen. But again, this is no longer the case with Sonoma. Myself and others are struggling with getting this going again. See: