Posted on 07-04-2023 01:57 AM
We use a time filter to switch the students profiles over to a school profile during school hours from their own personal profile. The majority of devices work, but we have a handful that do not switch over fully and there are apps that remain useable that they have installed from their personal profiles.
I have checked that the problem devices have enough storage, the O/S is up to date and all of the correct profiles etc are assigned. The logs for the device state that the profiles have been applied correctly and show as installed.
I have also wiped a device, reinstalled and set it up but the problem returned.
Is there anything I am missing or has anyone found out what causes the profiles not to switch properly?
Posted on 09-25-2024 11:04 PM
Is this still an issue? If yes, I can maybe provide some insight.
3 weeks ago
Unfortunately, we are still struggling with this issue and haven't managed to resolve it. I'm not sure which setting is responsible, and I would greatly appreciate any additional insight you can provide.
3 weeks ago
Let me refer you to this thread: Solved: Re: Timed profiles - not reliable - Jamf Nation Community - 282661
TLDR: Unreliable, because devices, at the earliest, only check in with JS every two hours or so (not modifiable). The script turned out to be unreliable as well. If you push the Jamf student app to devices, students can initiate a check-in (and thus an update of the profiles) manually (but of yourse they would only feel motivated to do so to remove the restrictions ...).
Mind you, this all applies to dynamic profiles (removed based on the public IP of the device, i. e. its location), since fixed time-based profiles turned out to be way too rigid (sick days, different schedules, holidays etc.). For time-based profiles to work properly, the devices obviously have to be set to be in the appropriate time zone and the system time has to be set to auomatic (which requires active location services, which in turn cannot be enforced by JS). So, voluntarily or involuntarily, this was also a major source of the present issue.
Outlook: JS is going to implement DDM, hopefully in the near future, which entails that devices would check-in autonomously if a given state changes (e. g. their location/public IP), not the other way round. Game changer.
While there's not much we can do, I hope those words could at least provide some insight.