Update problem with 17.1 especially on Apple TV?

New Contributor

Are there any known problems with the 17.1 update and especially Apple TV (no 4K)? tvOS 17 pushed to our devices without problems, installing 17.1 delivers the following error "Jamf School cannot determine the OS update status. The update likely failed on the device."


Contributor III

I've seen this error a number of times too. It doesn't always seem to mean that the update failed, I think that the update time is so long that it times out and responds with the error message. The other item I've had is that the device drops from wi-fi and then it doesn't report back with a success message to the MDM. 

I've actually done a bulk 'check-in' request to a group of devices at a time and some (not all) come back that the update actually applied. 

Greg Bobbett

New Contributor

Do you mean with „check-in“ to update the status of the devices? I recognized this behavior already in the past, but in this case it doesn’t help me.