WebClips / URL Shortcuts

New Contributor III

I tried creating shortcuts directly on iPads and it let me do that but after refreshing the profile they disappeared! I then found out about the Web Clips and put those in my profile and organised them on the Layout however they don't show on the iPads either!

Can someone explain how I get URL shortcuts on to a home screen please!


Contributor III

Hmmm. Do you have a Safelist and Blocklist scoped to that device as well? There is a checkbox to Blocklist all web clips, I would make sure that is unchecked. Might be worth disabling all other profiles and only scope a profile with your Layout to see if it works.

View solution in original post


Contributor III

I suppose because it is from another payload, Layout doesn't see the Web Clips you've already made to manage them. When I tested this out with a Layout, I found that our Web Clips were moved to the last page of the Home Screen where the grouped apps are placed as well.

To get around this will require you to basically do it again, but in a different place. In the Layout payload, you'll notice there's two tabs: Apps and Web Clips. In the Web Clips tab you can create Web Clips just the same as the payload, except these can dragged and dropped into your Layout.

Hope this helps.

New Contributor III

Thanks Fluffy,

Yes, I created the webclips in the webclip tab and then added them from the layout tab:

I have seen that some apps add themselves to a group on the second page but the webclips don't appear anywhere :-(

Any other thoughts?

Contributor III

Hmmm. Do you have a Safelist and Blocklist scoped to that device as well? There is a checkbox to Blocklist all web clips, I would make sure that is unchecked. Might be worth disabling all other profiles and only scope a profile with your Layout to see if it works.

New Contributor III

You STAR!  I was inadvertently blocking them when I zealously cut all the permissions. Very happy users now!

New Contributor III

OK, Not sure whether to start a new thread but whilst I can now get webclips on to my ipads its seems there is something going wrong with the 'playing' I did before I realised that I blocked them!  I now have a homescreen covered in weird icons!  how do I get rid of them please!



Contributor III

If you had blocked them, I would expect them to not be shown. Those icons look like the placeholder icon if you do not have an icon chosen. You may just have multiple web clips made without icons and scoped to the device.

Hello there, is there a fix to the multiple place holder icons issue?
I am having the same problem after pushing webclips to iPads.

New Contributor III


I created some webclips then deleted them as I thought that was wrong.  I created them again then found I was blocking them.  They then deployed to the home screen but in multiple versions (most with the placeholder icon).  I then deleted them again to try and fix it but when I reconfigured the webclips I get even more 'wrong' icons.  It seems to 'not forget' the old ones :-(  Any way I can stop it pulling the old ones through?

New Contributor III

Did you find a solution to the duplicating of icons?

New Contributor

I also have this issue so if anyone knows the solution would be grand - I am not resetting all the ipads


New Contributor III

If you are using restricted apps, ensure that you add an allow entry for "com.apple.webapp"