Hey Jamf Admins,
Join us on Friday, June 2nd at 12 PM (Mountain) for the Launchpad Jamf Admin Meetup! This month we'll be accompanied by Drew Duggan, Jamf Senior Sales Engineer, to learn more about how the On Prem to Jamf Cloud Migration works. As always, we'll also cover the LaunchPad Times to go over the latest in Apple/Jamf news, rumors and updates.
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucOqhpj0uG9cAUqKTPyeUF1eADX5FKlR6
Hope to see you all there!
I have been off the grid where these meetups are concerned. I just started a new job with CBRE here in Dallas where I am the primary Jamf admin. Unlike what I was doing since August of last year this is a permanent job. I'm not a contractor anymore 🙂 I'm really excited about the potential this now job holds.
That's awesome Howie, yeah, we've definitely missed you at the meetups! Good luck on the new job!
Hey Mani2care, here's the link to the recording of the meetup: https://youtube.com/live/XlrAHHZchfM?feature=share