
Today we are releasing a maintenance version of Jamf Pro.

Jamf Pro 11.1.3 fixes the following product issues:

Jamf Pro Server: Security Issues

  • [PI115630] Updated the Jamf Pro installers to include Tomcat 8.5.96 to mitigate a known vulnerability (CVE-2023-46589).

Jamf Pro Server

  • [PI115037] When computers or devices are enrolled in environments with enrollment customization and SSO configured, the Click here to proceed with enrollment button on the final enrollment pane was replaced with a progress bar that says, “Downloading MDM profile”. This change prevents failed enrollments.
  • [PI115634] Computer configuration profiles with a Security and Privacy payload no longer lose configured settings, causing blank or null values in the os_x_configuration_profiles database table. As a result, Jamf Pro no longer sends repeated configuration profiles with unique identifiers to the computers in scope.


For additional information on what's included in this release, review the release notes via the Jamf Learning Hub.

To access new versions of Jamf Pro, log into Jamf Account with your Jamf ID. The latest version is located in the Products section under Jamf Pro.


Cloud Upgrades

Navigate to https://account.jamf.com/products/jamf-pro and click Upgrade (Standard Cloud) or Schedule Upgrade (Premium Cloud) at the top of the page.

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Note: Tomcat will be updated in cloud environments independent of this release.

Contributor II

[PI115630] and [PI115037] were apparently fixed in 11.1.2.  Was this not the case? I'm seeing Tomcat 8.5.96 for my on prem servers.

As for [PI115634], how long as this been an issue? New since 11.1.2? Since 10.49? ???

I ask, cause we just upgraded to 11.1.2 last week and like many places, there is a whole change process involved before we can upgrade.

More information would be nice on this.


Valued Contributor

For those of us with custom URLs for Jamf Cloud, we cannot self-upgrade. Are we stuck waiting for 11.2? 


Hi @ubcoit, thanks for asking. Jamf Pro 11.1.2 was a limited release, intended for on-premise environments. For that reason we included the two 11.1.2 fixes with the 11.1.3 release information.

I reached out to the Product team for clarification re: PI115634. Stay tuned!


Hi @rstasel. From what I understand, you should be able to upgrade even with a custom URL. If you don't see the option in Jamf Account, please open a case with Jamf Support. Thanks

Valued Contributor

We had a ticket open with our success rep and she indicated this is the expected behavior. I've got an idea open for it as well, which seems to also have someone responding similar... guess I'll open a support ticket. 


Ticket created. fwiw, here's what we see in account.jamf.com. notice sandbox looks nice and normal, standard doesn't. to the right of the screenshot is also a missing serial for the standard instance, but a serial up by subscription. 




Hi @ubcoit, regarding PI115634 - it has been linked to release 10.49.  Please let us know if you have additional questions. 

Contributor II

@Deanna Thanks for the quick reply.

I do have a Security and Privacy configuration profile that goes out to our fleet.  Does this mean the entire profile is blank? Or just a specific setting within it?



@ubcoit I verified with the team that it is the setting that is blank. 

Contributor II

@Deanna Thanks for the quick reply though it's still not overly clear. I'll submit a ticket for this.


Contributor II

Quick update on this. I submitted a ticket and Jamf support sent me a SQL command to run against the database to see if I had any computers in this state (PI115634).  If you are concerned, I'd submit a ticket to get the command. Not sure I'm supposed to share it here.

New Contributor III

Why isn't the 11.1.3 version automatic upgrade?


Hi @happy02 . The product issues resolved with Jamf Pro 11.1.3 have a  low Cloud customer impact. Those fixes will be included with 11.2 which will be deployed to Cloud instances. Thanks

Valued Contributor

@PCalomeni Wanted to follow up on this. We just got confirmation that indeed, custom url jamf cloud users cannot self update. So guess we're waiting on 11.2. 

fwiw: I did open a case, which quickly was closed after redirecting to Jamf Success rep. Jamf Success rep confirmed we don't have this currently. Idea posted here confirmed this is currently WIP but not currently available. https://ideas.jamf.com/ideas/JN-I-28032


Version history
Last update:
‎12-18-2023 08:46 AM
Updated by: