
Update 5 February 2024: Cloud upgrades are scheduled for the weekend of 16–17 February (details below). We appreciate your patience.

Today we are releasing Jamf Pro 11.2. Highlights include: 

  • Dark Mode Support
    The Jamf Pro interface now has a dark display theme option. This alternative color scheme provides the same high contrast between text and background colors for maximum readability, but inverts the light and dark colors in a way that some may find more comfortable to view.
  • Manual Update Workflow for App Installers
    Jamf Pro now includes a manual update workflow for App Installers. This change gives you more control over the App Installers deployments in your environment by allowing you to test a version on a small group of computers before applying it to all computers.
  • Jamf Remote Assist Session Logs
    You can now view Jamf Remote Assist session logs in the Jamf Pro interface.


For additional information on what's included in this release, review the release notes via the Jamf Learning Hub.

To access new versions of Jamf Pro, log into Jamf Account with your Jamf ID. The latest version is located in the Products section under Jamf Pro.


Cloud Upgrades

Your Jamf Pro server, including any free sandbox environments, will be updated to Jamf Pro 11.2.1 based on your hosted data region below. Review this guide if you need assistance identifying the Hosted Data Region of your Jamf Cloud instance.

If you would like to upgrade manually, navigate to https://account.jamf.com/products/jamf-pro and click Upgrade (Standard Cloud) or Schedule Upgrade (Premium Cloud) at the top of the page.

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Hosted Region Begins Ends
ap-southeast-2 16 February at 1300 UTC 16 February at 2200 UTC
ap-northeast-1 16 February at 1500 UTC 17 February at 0100 UTC
eu-central-1 16 February at 2300 UTC 17 February at 0900 UTC
eu-west-2 17 February at 0000 UTC 17 February at 0700 UTC
us-east-1-sandbox/us-west-2-sandbox 17 February at 0100 UTC 17 February at 1100 UTC
us-east-1 17 February at 0500 UTC 17 February at 1800 UTC
us-west-2 17 February at 0800 UTC 17 February at 2100 UTC


Valued Contributor

@PCalomeni wrote:
  • Manual Update Workflow for App Installers
    Jamf Pro now includes a manual update workflow for App Installers. This change gives you more control over the App Installers deployments in your environment by allowing you to test a version on a small group of computers before applying it to all computers.

Just to clarify, if you change this to Manual, will the Update Deadline settings be based on when a new version is approved by the IT admins in Jamf?

Contributor II
Contributor II

@McAwesome yes, all of the end user experience settings that you have configured for a particular App Installers deployment, including the update deadline, are applied to the version of a software title that was approved by a Jamf Pro Admin.

Valued Contributor

@JustinC I was more meaning something like if you have your deadline set for 5 days after the update is made available, is it going to apply to 5 days after the update is approved by IT or after it gets released by Jamf?

Valued Contributor

As a continued note, those of us in the cloud with Custom URLs cannot apply the update manually... oh the things we wish we'd been told during the migration engagements. 

Contributor II
Contributor II

@McAwesome it is counted from the moment the installer is delivered to the computer and the included LaunchDaemon is started. So even for every computer in the same smart group it will mean a slightly different moment - 5 days from the moment the installer is downloaded and launched.

Contributor II


I'm just reading the 11.2 release notes and I'm confused about the line

"When a computer enrolls via a PreStage enrollment and the Jamf management account is also set to be created during enrollment, the jamf binary will create the account after the first user logs in."

Our prestage (we only have 1) has the option set 'Create a local administrator account before the Setup Assistant' which makes a 'jamfmgmt' account, it's been like this since we first had JAMF set up by the consultant. It's my understanding that that is the account which JAMF uses to run policies.

When we set up a new computer our own 'admin' account is made via a script and all of our install policies run before anyone ever logs into the computer ... if our jamfmgmt account is not made until somebody logs in does this mean that no policies can run before that time? If so that would make deploying large numbers of machines at once a lot harder all of a sudden!



Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianatkinson Thanks for your question. The management account is not needed to run any policies, so your current workflow will continue to work with this change.

Contributor II

@MattAebly thank you for clarifying, out of interest then what does that local admin account do?

I asked our onboarding consultant about it a couple of years ago and he said

I hope you are well, the naming of this account is irrelevant I have just always used jamfmgmt but what this does is this creates a hidden account on the machine which allows the machine to talk back to Jamf,  it runs policies and escalates privileges to root, this is not the local admin account you will need to add that one as part of the Prestage or via a policy after enrolment.

...but you're suggesting it's not needed to run policies, that leaves me wondering what the purpose is? I may have misunderstood it for a number of years!

New Contributor

@MattAebly How will this affect situations involving required logins to set up devices?


In our Mac labs here we use said management account to login automatically to run the software policies and escrow tokens. this change will create issues involving this if my reading of it is correct. 

New Contributor II

@ianatkinson @WayneHelios  I'm pretty sure they're referring to the management account in Settings -> User-initiated enrollment -> Create management account. This is separate from the account created during prestage. 




New Contributor

When is the automated cloud upgrades scheduled for now?

Contributor II

@andrewsp the notes say "via a PreStage enrollment " I wouldn't have thought that referred to the user initiated enrollment as it's a different thing isn't it? Or I may just be confused at this point! :)

Contributor II

Unfortunately, there is an annoying bug in this version.
The value set in the "Account Preferences > Language & Region > Language" is overridden by the browser settings when logging in.
On a German macOS, Jamf Pro is displayed in German, although English is set in the "Account Preferences"! (This has worked with all previous versions so far).
You cannot define the language in Safari, the language is always taken from the system.
In Google Chrome you can define the language independently of the system. So if I define English in Google Chrome, Jamf Pro is also in English.
But I want the "Account Preferences" to control the language in Jamf Pro, regardless of the browser or system language.

(If you set the language in Jamf Pro from English to German and immediately switch back to English, then this will be applied correctly. However, this only applies to the current session. The next time you log in in Jamf Pro, the browser/system language will apply again).

New Contributor II

@ianatkinson if you read the description on that screenshot it indicates it’s used for both prestage enrollment and user initiated enrollment. It’s confusing since it’s on the user initiated enrollment settings. 



For me the same question -> "When is the automated cloud upgrades scheduled for now?"


Thank you for asking mapi_sk and @PE. Cloud upgrades are scheduled for the weekend of 16–17 February.


@pca  Thanks for update.


@hansjoerg_watzl, Thanks for the feedback and bringing this to our attention. Our team is already preparing a fix for this issue and will be delivering it soon in an upcoming version. Please reach out if you have any other questions or concerns. 

Version history
Last update:
‎02-05-2024 06:54 AM
Updated by: