Jamf School resources to support teaching and learning

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

To support our amazing community of educators that take on the added role of supporting the management of devices, we have curated some resources together to highlight what is possible with Jamf School, beyond the management of devices. 

We love seeing educators using our tools in their classrooms and the stories of impact we read about and see at events and conferences shows that it is truly making a difference. 

Jamf Teacher supports that classroom management solution, you can set which apps, websites and device restrictions you want allowed on student devices.

Here are a collection of resources that support the impact this can have in classrooms. 

Jamf School Classroom guide 

The ABCs of Classroom Management 

Bringing Universal Design for Learning to Life 

Jamf Parent extends that management when devices go home, enabling parents/carers to set restrictions in the same way the educator can whilst in school.

Here is a single page of resources that can be used to help get those devices set up for home use. 

Jamf Parent set up guide 

Support for Jamf School set up. 

Check out these Jamf Shorts videos that support several settings that can help organise classroom use of devices. 

Jamf Shorts videos 

Getting more out of iPad in the classroom 

We love to see the range of ways that educators utilise the Jamf tools as well as what the impact of those tools allow on the iPad.

Here is a collection of videos that support the transformative ways that iPad can be used in the classroom. 

iPad guide videos 

Jamf Educator support 

Enabling educators with the knowledge of the tools in Jamf is really helpful, Jamf Educator is designed to enable that learning in a self directed way, and get a badge to recognise that effort.

Building this into staff professional development and support can help develop that knowledge and skill. 

Jamf Educator 

And please do continue to share those stories of impact as we would love to amplify these further. 

Product Marketing Manager for Education
Jamf Educator