New Contributor III

Joined: December 2011

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  • 25 Posts
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Like many other Macadmins I was thrilled to learn that 10.12.4 would support a profile to block the Desktop & Documents Folders sync feature of iCloud Drive, and that Jamf Pro 9.98 supported the feature on day one. After upgrading to 9.98 I eagerly d...
Is it possible to use exclamation messages in jamfHelper messages? The message I would like to create would say something like: Heading: Howdy Partner! Description: A multi-line message goes here. It contains apostrophes, like this: ' so I can't easi...
I am seeing the 30 day notification indicator "VPP Account...expiring in 30 days" in our JSS. When I go to our Apple VPP portal and click "Download Token" I get a '.vpptoken' file. So far so good. But when I upload that token to the JSS our VPP expir...
@rtrouton has a great post on Self-Service OS upgrades, and in fact we have a very similar workflow. Unfortunately though, it can't be fully automated with FileVault. Specifically we have trouble as described by the Note on installing OS X on FileVau...
I would like to deploy an in-house app via both the "Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install" and Self Service methods. Some devices should get the app automatically. Some should have the option in Self Service. I have the app in the JSS and sc...
Manager, Apple@Pixar