New Contributor II

Joined: June 2014

User Statistics

  • 8 Posts
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User Activity

Time has come to reach out to the community of experts. I'm trying to push out Egnyte Desktop Sync to all my client computers. The vendor package is a DMG that contains an Installer.app file. Just after some ideas on how to manage and deploy a DMG li...
I am in the process of restructuring our current infrastructure and moving away from physical Mac Mini Distribution Points to Linux JDS servers. I'd like to also bundle in NetSUS onto the same Linux box but am experiencing some conflicts. As soon as ...
Hey all, bit of a noob question but very new to the world of Casper Admin and scripting and need some expert advice. One department I manage has created their own Screensaver which they would like deployed to their Mac's. I have packaged and successf...
Apologies in advance for the newbie question but I am trying to package a folder (with an .app file in it) to deploy to a bunch of machines and have an alias/shortcut to the app placed on the desktop. I have used Composer to create the DMG file and d...