User Activity
As we all know, most Adobe apps are not multi-lingual and once installed
in a specific language, the language cannot be changed. Everyone of us
that has to deploy Adobe CC for worldwide customers in multiple
languages has either the problem of pushin...
hey guys, anyone else seeing this error when trying to create a macOS
upgrade via Self Service? Executing Policy Install macOS Sierra
UpgradeInstalling macOS 10.12.4 Installer.dmg...Preparing for in-place
OS upgrade...Failed to copy file to the insta...
Hey guys, is there a hidden button or anything else to force update the
patch reporting software titles? A Flash update was released yesterday
but the new version doesn't show up in our JSS. Michael
Hey AppleScript gurus, I did intensive researching in the web for the
last days but I'm really stuck with that one. Is there any chance to get
the "Server" field in the file info pane in Finder? I tried several
AppleScript commands, "file info" for e...
Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone found a solution for this yet.We have
environments where Xcode needs to be run without granting admin
privileges. We used to manage this with creating a custom Xcode
installer. The contents are the following: Xcode d...