Contributor II

Joined: November 2011

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  • 120 Posts
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MacAdmin Slack: daworley

User Activity

Hi Jamf Nation, I'm working on a script to capture the most recent causes of a restart. This command works great on Intel Macs and provides useful data output: log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 24h Does any...
http://turfclub.net/show/2017-10-chelsea-wolfe/ I'm super sad!
Hey all, can't seem to find this in the documentation or the Nation here. I have a primary Distribution Point in a colo, and I want to put a secondary DP on a Mac Mini Server behind a firewall at a satellite office. I'm thinking I need to set up port...
Hey all, I'm working on a script to rename permissions on accounts moved from Open Directory to Active Directory. As part of the checks (while loop logic) to see if the account exists I am querying AD for the GUID of the account: /usr/bin/dscl /Activ...
I feel like I'm missing something really simple. The Admin Guide nor a jaunt through the Nation here reveal information on creating a custom trigger. Is there an article I'm missing that explains how this feature works?
Former Jamf PSE, currently a IT Engineer in BioTech.