3 weeks ago
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Joined: January 2012

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I've been on 4 months long service leave and now that I've returned I'm sifting through add/removes/changes done in my absence trying to understand how and why things were done. It's going to take me a tiny bit to get back into the full swing of thin...
Are their any Australian based Casper folk that would be interested in purchasing a spot on CCA, CCE, or CJA training (if) QUT were to have available spots? We are currently in talks with JAMF on paying for Brisbane based training and were interested...
Further to my post a couple of months ago; https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=4575 I've been playing around with PackageMaker (you'll find it in "Auxiliary Tools for Xcode - Feb 2012.dmg" on the developer site) and I wanted to sha...
I wanted to touch base with the community and see if anyone is able to assist in simplifying user profile migration of AD users from Mac to Mac. One point; average profile size is roughly ~150Gb. Currently when a user gets a new machine we image it u...
Have only recently noticed that our printers have been deploying without the -o auth-info-required=negotiate option (kerberized cups). Checked and rechecked and triple checked and it appears Casper Admin (8.52) isn't capturing this option. I can't sa...
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