When we finished the enrollment, the profiles didnt appear some time in
some Mac. but when i delate the MDM profile, then execute jamf mdm, the
profiles comes. why? any one know that?
in some Macs's Selfservice, the policy always executing, never finished.
There is no log output in jamf.log. what is the problem? Is there any
one know that? but when we use sudo jamf policy -id xx in the terminal.
It works.
what is the whole process of profile configuration, "pending" is in
which step? What the first step and the final step? and we need more
detailed inform about it. Any one know it, pleae share with us.
@scottlep good explaination. some kind of custom script/launchd. l know
some sh, but how to use crontab, I see someone said crontab doesn't work
any more in macOS. how to use launchd. Do you have any documents about
@mjhersh Actually those macs have to connect to company's inner internet
for being managed. if they are in home, without vpn, they can not get
updated. The problem is how can we know which macs are out of connected?
@mm2270 I am very interested in the inner principle of jss inventory
update. What the order of clients? for example, we have 4000 macs, and
we set the check-in time 15mins. if we have 1000 macs has been checked
in, and wait for the updating one by on...