New Contributor III

Joined: May 2013

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  • 27 Posts
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Dear All,Binding Google Secure LDAP in MacBook is working. I need help pushing this configuration to all the devices.Has anyone done this before? Can I use Profile? Or bash script? Thoughts? Please share if you have any info on this. Thanks,Raj.
How do I bash script this one for macOS Monterey? defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array Please advise. Thanks!
How do I bash script this one for macOS Monterey?defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array Please advise Thanks!Raj.
Dear All,I need a bash script for adding "Favourites Finder Sidebar items" in macOS Monterey or Custom Payload profile. Please advise. Thanks!Raj.
Dear All,I need a bash script for adding "Favourites Finder Sidebar items" or a custom Payload to enable all Favourites sidebar items in macOS Monterey. Please advise. Thanks,Raj.
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