
Joined: November 2018

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  • 86 Posts
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Hi Jamf Team, I am encountering an issue with a script that I am using in a Jamf extension attribute. The script is not returning output always “No_Certificate_Found” when processed through Jamf. I need assistance to validate the issue and understand...
I have configured the network settings and deployed to 250 device and 60 % of device its got success and wifi is auto connected (certificate - certroot A) and no issue and only 40 % of device is having issue (certroot B) and not getting conneted and ...
DO we have any option to enable the SSO using the kerberos jamf auto login with mindmanager application ? we have user based licence and just want to automate to login with there email ID SSo to be enabled when user open the application it should aut...
I am using jamf pro onprem environment & always using user initiated enrolment & is there any way i to restuct the old mac OS enrolling to jamf ? any warning or intimation we can give before enrolling to jamf ?
pycharm,PhpStorm,sketch licence check is there any script to validate the info not sure lot of user are using it free or license on from MAC.