User Activity
We had been looking into using Github to push scripts and configuration
profiles and manage changes but we've run into some issues implementing
this concept. I was wondering if anyone has found a good solution to
managing versioning on scripts and co...
I'm using the JSON configuration profile in Jamf and for some reason
every time I try I save the text verbiage in the configuration profile
it doesn't update on the end device so I'm stuck with the default
wording. I've also tried changing it in the ...
I'm trying to get Nudge working with a JSON file but based on this older
My JSON configuration profile doesn't look the same. My underst...
Hi,I was wondering if anyone can point me to a resource or a script that
I can run via policy using Jamf Helper that will check the version of
the installed O/S and if it's not equal to the latest we're supporting
will advise the user how to upgrade ...
I'm currently trying to find the best way to install the Jumpcloud
package to a machine and then also pass a connect key via script. The
connect key will not change more than a few times a year at which part I
can update the script.I'm trying to "dum...