2 weeks ago
Contributor II

Joined: January 2022

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  • 80 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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  • 96 Kudos received MacAdmin Slack: jordythery

User Activity

De agenda is rond voor onze Benelux Apple Admins bijeenkomst in Van der Valk Hotel Antwerpen, gesponsord door Lab9 Pro, op dinsdag 12 november van 17:45 tot 21:00 uur. **Agenda**17:30 Dranken en hapjes (gesponsord door Lab9 Pro)18:15 Welkom18:30 Pres...
It must be 8 or 9 years ago that I started supporting customers with ZuluDesk (now Jamf School). This was my first step into the device management world. Before that, I was a repair technician. As my curiosity grew, I was lucky enough that my employe...
A customer of ours had an interesting question; they want to rename their Macs based on the color of the iMac. e.g "iMac Blue SerialNumber".I can't seem to find any place where the color is referenced. In network sharing and in the about this Mac scr...
Tech enthousiast with a passion for Apple 