User Activity
Hi people,I'm currently testing this MS plug-in for SSO for iPads I've
had some success with it - when building a new iPad, I sign into the
iCloud and, when entering the MAID, it loads MS Authenticator and makes
that link. Then when I open MS Teams, ...
Hello,I'm currently trying to send out VPP invites to numerous staff
members who for whatever reason never initially got one when they were
either imported into Jamf school via Apple School Manager or manually
created a number of years ago now. Some ...
As some students have installed IOS 16.2, they now have access to
Freeform. I want to place the app in our Apple folder for all of the
students, which was created using the layout profile in jamf
school.However, Freeform hasn't yet appeared in the in...
Hi,I'm currently experiencing an issue regarding pushing out ibooks to
our student iPads. Out of the 400 students we pushed the books out to,
only 30 have received them. I'm aware that books can only be distributed
to Apple IDs and all students have ...