User Activity
We have a fleet of over 850 Macs. 99% of them operate just fine when
bound to AD. However, every couple of weeks one stops allowing AD users
to log in. The machine shows as bound to AD and the computer record for
it exists in AD but the command id so...
We have Garage Band available on Self Service. Non-admin users are able
to download and install it just fine. However, the first time it is
launched it pops a dialogue to download the "Essential Sounds Download"
which our users also need. It download...
This new dialogue appears once in the setup wizard before enrollment and
then again when I log in as the local admin for the first time. Is this
expected behavior? Is there any way to suppress one or both?
We have machines exhibiting the following symptoms: Safari and Chrome
display blank white pages. They will fetch the URL and the page is blank
white. The source is blank white. You can, however, click on the
invisible links (if you can find them) on ...
Ever since updating to sierra, our AD bound machines auto mount the
parent root of the AD defined home folder at login, but also put a
shortcut in the dock which when clicked mounts a a direct share to the
users home folder. Has anyone else seen this...