Hello, Pretty sure an old installation of filewave is messing up a
couple of casper clients and policies. They aren't the quickest to
respond unless you are buying something imminently and its not clear how
to uninstall. Anybody seen this before and ...
Hi, Does anyone know of the best way to collect which network shares
users are connected to in inventory. Would help us to know who actually
connects to some of our shares and which protocol they are using. Im
guessing an extension attribute is the w...
Apologies if this is a duplicate, i remember seeing something but cant
find it now. We have a process to build via configurations (10.9 or
10.8) then after a reboot we have a set of policies that we trigger
based on naming so that departments get the...
Thanks, they supplied us with a very similar script #!/bin/sh##Kills the
client, removes all FileWave software (including the catalog and
anything inactive)##The system will stay in its current state, FW will
no longer have control over any files. /u...
We were using a process online via a US university (cant find link off
hand) that involved deleting the account, leaving home folder in place,
resetting name and rights on that folder but ditched it in favour of
recreating profiles manually. It wasn'...