New Contributor II

Joined: February 2012

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User Activity

I am expanding my team and looking to hire a Tier I Tech! While the big tech companies are going through massive layoffs, come work with me in a fun and stable environment. You will have the opportunity to work with many different technology platform...
We are looking to fill an opening for a Tier II Tech Support Specialist. Our deployment is 100% Apple and we utilize Jamf to manage our laptops and iPads. Feel free to message me with any questions!https://www.applitrack.com/tfcccs/onlineapp/default....
We are looking to fill an opening for a Tier I Tech Support position. Apple hardware repair experience is a plus. Our deployment is 100% Apple and we utilize Jamf. Feel free to message me with any questions!https://twentyfirstcentury.tedk12.com/hire/...
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