Hey Shaun, suppressing the notifications will prevent them from
displaying, however you may also want to additionally set the deadline
key otherwise the App Installer will be queued in the background
indefinitely with no notifications.Note: When usin...
@robertliebsch, it is somewhat counter-intuitive, but the process (once
the initial import is done) is as follows:- Click the "Extension
Attributes" tab, which has "1 Error".- Review the script contents.-
Click the "Edit" icon / button in the bottom-...
Hi @rcorbin, if a patch definition contains an Extension Attribute, its
default behaviour on import is to show an error, until the terms are
accepted by an administrator.
@lbr, The version information gathered by default Jamf inventory data is
not quite granular enough to detect all releases of OneDrive, this is
why the EA has been added to the new definition. There will be
additional EAs for some new products being a...