Wondering if anyone is actively deploying GeekTool and geeklets to there
Macs with Casper and how are you doing it? I have a script that is
populating the info I need on the desktop, just not sure how to make it
start up with the exported geeklet I h...
Just seeing if anyone has tested the new User Interaction tab of a
policy in Casper 9? Testing this morning with an existing policy and a
new policy to see if this could replace having to use an extra script
with displayMessage or jamfHelper. My poli...
Ok, so I may be confused but please let me know if you are seeing the
same thing or how you are disabling the guest account? - I am using a
Login Window Config Profile with "Allow guest user" NOT checked- I am
using a Managed Preference com.apple.MCX...
I am using Casper Admin 8.5.1 and when trying to Delete an item in the
list, Empty Trash, and Save the item is gone. I restart Casper Admin and
its back again. Ive tried multiple times with multiple items, not sure
whats going on. Any ideas?
Yea, I see potential. We currently use BGinfo on the Windows side, and
would like to have similar info on the background of Macs. Would like to
have url to IT ticket system, Help Desk Phone #, username, computer
name, OS X version, Days since reboot,...
Cisco did come out with a temp fix (3.1.04074) to the issue, and has
worked so far in our environment. You do need active svc contract to
download update: https://supportforums.cisco.com/thread/2247235