2 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Joined: January 2013

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Wondering if anyone else has had this issue or been able to fix. I have an extension attribute setup to check for duplicate certificates which scans the System keychain for a specific certificate name and reports back the count of that certificate. M...
What do the parentheses do when adding criteria to a smart group? What's an example of where you would want them and where you would not?
One interesting feature I saw in the Google tool Munki/Simian (http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2011/01/simian-mac-os-x-package-deployment-via.html) is that you can push patches to Macs even when they're off the corporate network. Is this possib...
I just upgraded a staging server to CasperSuite 9 so that I could test it out prior to upgrading our production JSS server. Here are some of the issues I see with it. I've already spoken with my TAM and he recommended that I submit feature requests f...
Using Casper Suite 8.71 Some applications install Flash Player into their own directory such as, /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS6/Configuration/plug-ins/Flash Player.plugin. This gets reported as a plug-in and counts towards false positives. I wou...
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