Jamf engage
https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/articles/594/engage-overview-and-faq In
addition, Engage displays helpful tool tips and feature highlights in
Jamf Pro to identify brand new features and help guide you through
complex workflows. Engage al...
@pueo The other couple options I have been exploring is using an api
call to an internal resource to grab computer name based on S/N, the
other option is if you can pre register the mac on your network and use
the Bash command 'hostname - s'. Hostnam...
-Prompt for new computer name- snip of code that I have used. This runs
and is triggered at login. Then use scutil to rename computer. Below is
just an example to give an idea of what I have done. #!/bin/sh
newCompName=$(osascript -e 'set compName to...