Hello Arun,It looks as though you are describing the expected behavior
perfectly. It's possible but not necessary to pass that FileVault MacOS
password to Jamf Connect Login. More info and an excellent flowchart are
Definitely not obvious! This changed in the last few years and the in
product messaging could definitely be clearer. Personal Device Profiles
are deprecated, and replaced with profile-driven User Enrollment. The
new (as of Jamf Pro 10.17) experience ...
The place is in a Mobile Device Prestage Enrollment. It's a checkbox on
the General tab that says "Prevent unenrollment", with descriptor,
"Disallow the user from removing the MDM profile".This setting applies
to the MDM profile when the iPad goes th...
Hello!It sounds as though the Jamf Connect Menubar is functioning
properly, but there are some issues at the login window with account
migration and authentication? If this is the case, it may be best to use
authchanger to disable the Jamf Connect Lo...