Reset after the settings change: hold down the home button along with
the power button until you see the Apple, then let go for : ShowBox
Lucky Patcher Kodi too.
JS sdk converts time to UTC... is there anyway i can send local time
push notifications from cloudcode using the JS sdk? Parse.Push.send({
where: query, push_time: "2012-11-14T17:00:00", data: { alert: "some
message here!" } }, { success: function() ...
I have tried everything you suggested to clean out my computer from
MacKeeper but it keeps coming back the virus What should I do? Thanks
ShowBox Lucky Patcher Kodi
When the "START" button is clicked, a new thread called "Thread-n" (n is
a running number) is created to run the compute-intensive counting-loop.
However, this thread is not programmed to yield control to other
threads, in particular, the event-dispa...
I was about to cancel UVerse and call Comcast (yikes!). No joke. I have
a house full of MacBooks and iPhones. Our area recently became available
to upgrade to the 50 Mbps internet speed so I jumped on upgrading. They
replaced my router with the Motor...