
Joined: March 2021

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  • 42 Posts
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Saw this in the changelog for the Jamf Pro API -- anyone know what this is? I tried googling "Jamf Pro Scheduler," but the only results were bringing me back to the API documentation.
We have a few hundred MacBook Airs that we're going to be deploy in the next couple weeks. On our test ones, during setup, after the MacBooks get all the settings, profiles, etc. from Jamf, the MacBooks restart without warning and never finish setup ...
A follow-up to this ticket, but different enough I wanted to start anew.Essentially, we're trying to do zero-touch with our next batch of MacBooks, so I've been working on a new Enrollment Profile. We want to primary account information (name and use...
Trying to do zero touch with our next batch of computers, so I've been working on a new Enrollment Profile. Everything's working well...with one exception.The test computer is in prestage with all the user fields filled in. The idea was, they turn on...
Someone accidentally scoped an expensive app that we had 10 licenses for to 4000 iPads. They reversed the scope almost immediately, but now we have a pending command on 3990 iPads that's never going to go through. I have some experience with the API ...