2 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Joined: July 2012

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We have a fleet of several thousand macOS devices. We would like to create unique local user accounts on each machine and have those accounts be MDM-enabled. (This is a requirement for deploying Mac App Store Apps and to used Apple Classroom.) In the...
On our fleet of 6th Gen iPads (WiFi) running iOS 12, when we configure them as a Shared iPad, we lose the Control Center options in Settings. The user still has access to Control Center via the swipe down gesture from the top-right of the screen, but...
Now that we are fully leveraging DEP and PreStage Enrollments in JAMF Pro, and have decided against binding our fleet of MacBook Airs to Active Directory, there was a need to create local accounts for both students and teachers before deploying our n...
Looking for recommendations on iBeacon hardware. I am aware of several vendors, but I am curious what JSS users have deployed in their environments successfully. Primary use case for us will be for deployment of printer mappings and drivers based on ...