Here is a script that I whipped up. It gets around the PI bug with the
blank Safari page. All of the Macs in my environment have Chrome set as
their default browser during DEP and use Chrome for Azure Device
Registration. Only 6 out of 353 Macs have ...
Here is a script that I whipped up. It gets around the PI bug with the
blank Safari page. All of the Macs in my environment have Chrome set as
their default browser during DEP and use Chrome for Azure Device
Registration. Only 6 out of 353 Macs have ...
This is great! Instead of doing 1 image, I did an entire folder, full of
images I wanted to cycle through. This actually works as well. Wanted to
make a quick edit to describe my final results.I made a folder here
/Library/Desktop Pictures/My Images,...
For some reason I had to sign the DEPNotify 1.1.5 or 1.1.6 package with
composer in order for it to successfully deploy. This seems to be a
fairly new development as it just stopped working one day.
This worked for me. Hopefully it can help others as well. 1) Have the
script run before the DMG runs !/bin/bash loggedInUser=$( echo "show
State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ {
print $3 }' )sudo rm -r -f "/Users/$log...