New Contributor II

Joined: June 2021

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  • 11 Posts
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I'm wondering if there's the ability to apply a Mac's previous name as it is in Jamf, at the time it is reenrolled or as a post-re-enrollment process after it has been wiped and reloaded with a fresh OS. Right now there is the ability to create a pol...
Greetings,I'm familiarizing myself with PreStage Enrollments, and while for the most part it's going well, there are a couple things I was hoping to get some feedback on.The first may be a simple setting that I'm just missing - applying a Mac's previ...
Greetings,I created a Config Profile to set a particular JPG to open at login. Using "Login Items", and then "Items", I have the correct, complete path entered for said JPG.This works - but only for users that are admins on the Macs. Standard users a...
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