User Activity
Hey all. Don't know when the pricing for individual training classes
went to $2500, but who the heck can pay that? I wrote earlier this year
about the fact that even with almost 30 years of Mac experience and over
20 years in IT supporting Apple in t...
Hi all, I've been on the Mac for almost 30 years, and in IT supporting
Mac at the enterprise level for 20. I've seen the Mac go from islands on
their own, to AD integration, and now massive adoption of Jamf. I can't
tell you how many jobs I've lost o...
Hi all. After over 20 years in IT almost exclusively supporting Macs, I
now find that I can't even get an interview for open jobs because
everyone wants jamf/Casper experience. I'm about to break down and pay
for this myself, but wanted to know, if I...