I am getting excited about this upcoming Virtual JNUC although I wish it
were in person. I’m mostly excited about the Healthcare track. Anyone
else excited about anything specific? Also looking forward to the Jamf
Heroes sessions @JeniA #VJNUC21
I’m so excited to be able to hear about the new innovative things within
healthcare and what people within healthcare IT are doing especially
with iOS and iPadOS… JNUC 2020 gave me so many ideas
Beam Mobilehttps://www.beam-mobile.com----------------Justin
FincherSystems Engineer III | jamf AdministratorInformation
TechnologyChildren’s of Alabama1600 5th Ave South Suite M80Birmingham,
AL 35233Office: (205) 638.3595Mobile: (205) 478.8165Email:...
Adam, like I said in Slack…this is game changer for Children’s of
Alabama. We are fully embracing and can’t wait til we our out of
preview! We have a fully functioning instance of this workflow and it’s
working great! Thanks for the continued innovat...