New Contributor III

Joined: April 2017

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  • 32 Posts
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Looking for a way to switch machines using dark mode to light and lock it down so it can’t be changed. We have software that doesn’t work correctly when dark mode is active.
I have started noticing several machines that no longer have the CA Certificate in the System Preferences/Profiles. I created a search and looks like over 100 computers do not have it. Seems like this would be a problem. If its an issue, what would b...
Looking to have a script launch a TextEdit document or some kind of document with instructions for the guest user. This document will just let the user know about what services are available, any usernames or passwords they may need to access certain...
Hey All, I am attempting to set up a few terminal machines throughout the building using the Guest account. Scenario: 3 iMacs with standard software, Adobe and Font software. Users will use these computers as opposed to issuing licenses for the small...
Schedule Jamf Pro to automatically check iTunes for app updates.Automatically Force App Updates. I know I will feel stupid when someone answers this. Why are the options above greyed out and not editable? For some apps I do not want the app to force ...