As per our discussion today, here are the instructions to scan a
computer for non-approved admin accounts and demote those users to
standard ones. The instructions can be found here.
Here's a link to MacMule's website. He'll cover how he handles changing
passwords and handling the keychain issue.
First... What up Richter?!?! Second, the OS from the new Airs does work
on iMac and older Airs in my tests... However, I'm still "testing."
We'll report back if I find anything different. A big thanks to rtrouton
just what I needed.... "E"
Guys, The fix didn't work for me. However if you look at the cups_error
log like Andy suggested, I found out that in my case, the
/Library/Printers/ folder had the insecure permissions. After fixing the
permissions on that folder, the error went away...
First, a big "Thank you" to everyone for the script and modifications.
My question, I know how to make a policy to run this but how do I get it
to report back to me on what computers are infected? When I run it on a
couple of my test computers, I hav...