For reference purposes if you want to disable FMM without requiring a
reboot the following works in 10.13.2. Removing the fmm-computer-name
and restarting the FindMyMacd process were not 100% required however
since they are all related better safe (p...
Quick correction MAU 3.6 does include a PrivilegedHelper. It does not
include the silent backup updating. That is a main feature point for MAU
4.0. The only task that the PrivilegedHelper does is allow non-admin
users to install updates. MAU 4.0 will...
Yes. 10.11 has been giving me all kinds of issues. I have done limited
testing with a patched version of 10.10 Disk Utility on 10.11 and at
this time all my weirdness has been resolved. However this isn't
supported by Apple so your milage my vary and...