
Joined: March 2013

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  • 64 Posts
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Apple appears to have pulled macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 for MacBook Pros with Touch ID as they currently only update to 10.13.3 when brand new. This might be related to:- RADAR [40110392] - MacBook Pro with TouchID Firmware Update Fails when Non Apple...
@dan.kubley showed me this to test if the firewall for your jamf PRO server is configured correctly: /bin/nc -z gateway.push.apple.com 2195/bin/nc -z feedback.push.apple.com 2196/bin/nc -z mdmenrollment.apple.com 443/bin/nc -z vpp.itunes.apple.com 44...
It appears that an installation of CarbonBlack ( crashes macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 and systems that are running CarbonBlack ( will not boot after an upgrade to macOS High Sierra 10.13.2. Removing CarbonBlack appears to heal al...
Situation You need to uninstall a Symantec product for Macintosh that is installed under Mac OS X. You have tried several methods, including manually uninstalling or running the Symantec Uninstaller without success. Alternatively, you have been refer...
My colleague @Nielsen discovered this. One could add this in a script that get's executed after installation of BBEdit. defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.barebones.bbedit.plist 'BBEditSerialNumber:11.0' 'SiteLicense'defaults write /Library/Pref...
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