Does JAMF Pro support a ring approach to application deployments?

New Contributor

I have been tasked with setting up a Ring deployment for all my supported platforms. JAMF is the last on my list.

I cannot figure out how to setup a Ring deployment approch within JAMF. Does this management platform support such a deployment model?


Esteemed Contributor

Depends on what you want to build out. Jamf deploys everything off of groups, those groups are as small or as large as you want them to be based on your scopes (collections). 

New Contributor

Thanks for the reply, my end goal is to have a ring approach, test, first, expanded, and all devices. I would like to have some dynamics to the group at least the final group so any new devices are added and not left orphaned and unpatched.


The use of these groups would be for patch management, policy and app deployments. 


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 




New Contributor

Jamf Pro doesn't support it natively, but I've been working on a POC for a customer to accomplish this type of rollout. 

The POC relies on the Jamf APIs heavily, and is essentially an independent server that will push a rollout forward (outwards to more rings) as slowly as you configure