Is there a way to display the computer name on the Azure Login Screen

New Contributor

I'm curious if there is a way to display the Apple computer name at the Azure login or with a link - It would help to have that information when having to troubleshoot a login issue.  Thanks Doug


Contributor III

You can create a configuration profile for login window message using variables. Here is an example...

Preference Domain: com.jamf.connect.login

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Apple Cider Co - $COMPUTERNAME</string>


New Contributor

MrRoboto - would this script allow for the computer name to appear - I know before the Azure login we could click on the time in the upper right corner of the Apple login and get system info from the Apple computer like - Name, IP address, OS - but was curious if there was a way to get that system info on the Azure login or Local Login - There is a wifi icon to select wifi and keyboard icon in top right - I'm wondering if you script could be used to pull system info like Computer Name with a button or icon that says System Info or just have it appear under the login screen - Thanks Doug

Valued Contributor
I would be interested to know more as well.


Dominic Vasquez

IT Systems Engineer |

222 N LaSalle St., Suite 1600 | Chicago, IL 60601

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