Jamf Connect 2.16.0 Now Available


Today we released Jamf Connect 2.16.0; this release includes the following:


Password Policy Requirement Enhancements

  • The login window now notifies and allows users to change their password when it does not meet your local password policy requirements. To direct users to the correct location to change their password, set the Change Password URL (ChangePasswordURL) setting.
  • If Kerberos is enabled with Jamf Connect, the menu bar app now detects and displays your organization's password policy requirements for users to reference while changing their password.


Microsoft Azure AD Change Required

If Microsoft Azure AD is your IdP, upcoming changes to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) require changes to your Jamf Connect configuration. Existing applications remain functional, but in December 2022 Microsoft will discontinue security updates for Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), deprecating the use of common endpoints.


Product Documentation


See the Jamf Connect Documentation for more information, including Release Notes.


Thank you!

The Jamf Connect team


Valued Contributor

Sounds like the tool keeps maturing! 


New Contributor III

Really pleased with how the IdP password synchronization has improved over the last few version releases!

New Contributor III

Can you shed some light to see if our current configuration is fine? In our current configuration we have the identity provider as Azure and we have both the OIDC and ROPG client IDs configured. We do not have ADFS configured for our example so Im just having trouble confirming if we need to make any changes since it seems correct from what Jamf is asking.