Jamf Connect - Black Window and spinning

New Contributor III

I have a Mac Lab of 30 Mac Minis all using the same config profile and policies. I have 6 Macs that will not run Jamf Connect. I get a black window and a spinning wheel so I can't even click on Local Login to have students use that. Any suggestions? I tried updating to the latest Jamf Connect, restarts, removing the policy etc. 

I just haven't wiped the devices as I didn't want the students to lose their local profile. 



Valued Contributor

In jamf, if you go to one of the affects mac's record, look in the Management tab. Do you see any failed commands? Also, in that same tab and look in the Configration Profile section, do you see if your Jamf Connet config profile is applied to that mac? If the correct config profile is applied, then instead of updating Jamf Connect, I would uninstall it, reboot, and reinstall it. 

If it is applied to that mac, then I wol

Hi, thanks for your response. There are no failed commands and the profile is applied to the Mac. I have tried taking it out of the scope and then scoping it again. I am getting a black window then that says Jamf Connect failed contact your administrator. 

You confirmed that the computer is connected to some network or wifi?

Yes it is connected to the network. 

Have you tried switching to another ethernet or to another network?

Valued Contributor III

Ive seen this happen when the system on the device gets updated randomly.  Here was the solve for me:

Restoring the Authorization Database

If the Jamf Connect login window is not loading and other remediation steps have not worked, you can replace the authorization database by renaming the auth.db file and letting the system replace it with a default copy.

  1. Start the computer in Recovery Mode.
  2. Open the Disk Utility application and mount the System Drive.
    1. If the Mac is FileVault enabled, mount the data volume. The default name is MacintoshHD-Data.
    2. If the Mac is not FileVault enabled, find the system drive location by navigating to /Volumes in Terminal, then identifying the name of the local system drive. The default name is /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/.
  3. Quit the Disk Utility application.
  4. From the menu bar, navigate to Utilities > Terminal.
    A Terminal window opens.
  5. Rename the authorization database file.
    1. If the Mac is using a default name (MacintoshHD-Data or /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/), rename the authorization database file by executing the following mv command: mv /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/auth.db /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/auth.db.bak.
    2. If the Mac is using a custom name, rename the authorization database file by executing the following mv command:
      mv /Volumes/SYSTEM_DRIVE_NAME/var/db/auth.db /Volumes/SYSTEM_DRIVE_NAME/var/db/auth.db.bak.
  6. Shut down and restart the computer.

The standard macOS login window displays.

This info was found here:



Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools