JAMF Connect Google IDP Sign on Screen Resizing Itself

New Contributor III

Have a lab of 20 Mac Minis using Jamf Connect & Google IDP.  The login screen shows Sign in with Google as it should but it'll randomly resize the login window which is behavior we're not looking for.  Sometimes it'll show the complete Sign in with Google box including the Create Account & Next button, and further down.  Other times it'll load a much smaller cropped window with a scroll bar (showing the field for the e-mail or phone login but missing the ability to see the Next button without scrolling down) and place it towards the bottom of the screen instead of centering it on the screen.  All systems are using the same model of monitor, same resolution.


Not sure if anyone else has experienced this behavior?  My thought is maybe it's the newest version of MacOS as they've now been upgraded to 14.5 and this was not happening on 13.x.  Just very odd behavior that it'll sometimes load properly then you reboot the machine and it's a 50/50 chance of what it'll do next.


New Contributor III

Issue has been resolved with JAMF Connect 2.37.0

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

Here's an image to better understand the issue...


New Contributor III

Issue has been resolved with JAMF Connect 2.37.0