Local and network Password doesnt match

New Contributor II


we have some Users (including) me, who get the PopUP issue:

"Your local and network passwords do not match. Enter your current local password to sync it with your network password"

But our PWs are correct and matched. Do anyone has the same Problem ?


Esteemed Contributor

I have not, at least not when the PW's match. Have you tried resetting JAMF Connect to see if that helps?


sudo authchanger -reset -JamfConnect

New Contributor II

even i am facing the same issue evrey time when users change password via menbar its dosent sync wifi password and we have to re-enter wifi password every time, if someone know how to fix this pls help..

New Contributor II

i heard in the mac admin slack channel, that many users have the Problem and there isnt a solution till now:

Even jamf said in the last JC Version 2.23.0 the issue would be solved but it doesnt...We still have the Problem with some Users (including me)