Mac sleeps and skips Jamf Connect Okta screen and prompts Local login during inital setup

New Contributor
Hi, I'm running into an Enrollment issue where the jamf connect okta screen is getting bypassed if the computer is idle and goes to sleep. For example, the user will go through the setup assistant options and reach the jamf connect screen. The mac goes idle/to sleep and once the mac is turned back on, it prompts for a local account login instead of the jamf connect login and you do not get an option to switch to the jamf connect screen anymore.
  1. How could I keep the computer display awake when new users get to the jamf connect screen stage?
  2. If a computer goes idle and prompts for local account login, is there anything I can do to revert back to jamf connect screen?
    1. For one case, I wiped the computer and reinstalled macOS, went through setup stage and it still prompted for local login instead of jamf connect screen

Esteemed Contributor

Have you deployed the Jamf Connect launch agents? This are what tell macOS to launch Jamf Connect when the device is turned on.




New Contributor III

Once Jamf Connect updates the login screen, it should be a permanent change (mostly). 
You need to check your configuration profiles to see if it is set to use Local Authentication by default is to True and if you have two separate configuration profiles, one for enrollment and another for after enrollment. 

What I believe is happening is that an enrollment config is set to show Okta login screen and then once it goes to sleep, enrollment is considered complete and then switches to another configuration profile that displays the local login screen.