The new version of Jamf Connect is now available!


Jamf Nation - we are very excited to let you know that the new version of Jamf Connect is live and available for use! The goal of this release is to provide a more streamlined experience for both admins and end users. This release includes the following -

Unified Menu Bar App: Jamf Connect Sync and Jamf Connect Verify are now a single menu bar app called "Jamf Connect" that can be configured and deployed for any supported cloud identity provider (IdP).

Login Window Redesign: The login window has been redesigned with a modern and improved user experience for both Okta authentication and OpenID Connect authentication methods.

Fancy New App Icon: Look for a new app icon when installing and opening Jamf Connect. The org Jamf icon still is used in the menu bar when the app is open.

New Preferences:
Open Okta Dashboard on Sign-in—Allows users or admins to determine the Okta dashboard is automatically opened in browsers after sign-in. The preference key name is LaunchBrowser and it's a boolean that's embedded in the WebBrowser dictionary.

Custom Login Window Message—Display a custom login window message (kind of like the macOS policy banners). The preference key name is LoginWindowMessage.

Jamf Connect Configuration Enhancements: Jamf Connect Configuration includes support for configuring primary Jamf Connect 2.0 settings and the following new features:

XML Editor—You can now use an XML editor mode to preview the configuration profile in XML and make manual changes to your configuration profile. To view and edit your configuration profile in XML, click the </> icon.

New App Icon—Look for a new app icon when opening Jamf Connect Configuration.

To access the most up-to-date version of Jamf Connect, please log into Jamf Nation and find the latest download under 'My Assets.'

For documentation, including Release Notes, please see the Jamf Connect Administrator Guide. The Admin Guide contains complete instructions on upgrading to the latest version or you can check out the KBase article with upgrade steps here.

Thank you!
The Jamf Connect team



I hope it's snappy!

New Contributor III

Best news of 2020!

New Contributor II


Contributor III

In the JAMF pro config profile theres no preference domain for JAMF Connect but only separate Login and Verify options and also no version 2.0.0?

As we are currently using this method to create the config plist theres no option to change the preference domain for verify to com.jamf.connect so we would need to upload the plist manually and edit it manually. A little thing for some but a big change for users who are not comfortable editing plists in text editors.

EDIT - I can see the option for JAMF Connect 2.0 has been added now ignore me :)

New Contributor

I agree with Perryd84, I don't see any 2.0 preference domains for JAMF Connect in the config profiles.

New Contributor III

does this finally address the issue with sync where after logging in the window will not close?

-Edit just tested this and it indeed does close the app out once you authenticate. SWEET

Valued Contributor III

It's nice, it works ... it's very crashy on logout. I am rebooting rather than logging out these days.

New Contributor III

Should we be opening tickets for bugs, or is there a central thread for these? I've already run into a few (ShowWelcomeWindow has disappeared when configuring the preferences through Jamf Pro so can't be hidden, Shares doesn't honor a name change and splits Home Directory out of the Shares menu (and also doesn't work))

New Contributor III

And is it recommended to use the Jamf Connect Configuration application over Jamf Pro?
Configuring in Jamf Pro is missing several options which the documentation covers, but I don't see a note anywhere saying that they are unique to the Configuration application.


@morsepacific If you are running into any bugs, please do reach out to Jamf support to help track resolution.

Contributor II

Any update for Jamf Connect PKINIT?

New Contributor III

@franton I was having issues with crashing too. Maybe it's a coincidence, but after I ran this uninstall script from Jamf on my test machine and reinstalled, I haven't had an issue.

Valued Contributor III

@kburns It's happening for fresh installs too.

New Contributor II

All my tests are crashing, getting grey screen after connect-login and doesnt get past it

New Contributor III

Not sure about the login part, but the Sync part of 2.0 is working way better. Super snappy, super responsive, and now password changes made from the okta dashboard actually trigger an alert to sync on the machine. Overall super happy with it so far!

New Contributor II

The login message is a nice feature, but the text doesn't wrap and cuts off

Contributor II

@MatthewPaine Have you created new config profiles and scoped them to the smart group?

I don't have any issues that would block a push to all computers yet

New Contributor II

Hi, yes i have almost got it working now, thanks. I followed this walkthrough
pretty much working now so was something I did incorrectly. The only issue i have now before i can roll out is jamf connect menu gives an error syncing passwords in an azure hybrid setup with PHS password hash syncing Error is 'ERROR: The operation couldn’t be completed. (JCAuthentication.JCAError error 15.), STATUS: Optional(400).'
Have this logged with jamf so if/when I get this sorted, will be good to deploy.
Much better enrolment process that in V1



@MatthewPaine I'm running into the same issue using Jamf's documentation for setup with azure hybrid with pass hash. However I don't get any errors with using the standard Azure integration keys.

Let me know if you hear back from Jamf!


Anyone else able to get to the local guest user account with Jamf Connect installed? Jamf Connect requires that I type a password in but Apple's guest account has a blank password.


We see the same problem loggin in as Guest asking for a password. No way to get in.

New Contributor II

@MatthewPaine did you manage to resolve it am getting same error message