This copy of Jamf Connect in unlicensed error at logon.

New Contributor III



Is anyone getting this error with the Jamf Connect Login window? We are Using OKTA and JAMF Cloud. I have logged a ticket with Support and we tried recreating the profiles(login, license, Jamf Connect), scoping and unscoping to specific machines etc.

Each time I log off/restart the machine loses the license. Checked /Library/Managed Preferences/ and I can see the Jamf Connect plist(s) with the license keys. Can see my profiles in System Prefs. I know the license file is valid as it will sometimes license at random then 'disappears' after log off.


New Contributor III

If anyone else runs into this, it was as a result of a blank license key in the configuration profile.

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

If anyone else runs into this, it was as a result of a blank license key in the configuration profile.

New Contributor

how do you fix this?

New Contributor

What i mean to say, is what are the steps to solve this?

New Contributor III

Hi Smacdoug sorry for the delayed response.

  • First step would be to reach out to your JAMF account manager to confirm that your JAMF connect license is up to date.
  • My issue was that the LicenseFile key in my com.jamf.connect plist was blank. Check both your JAMF Connect plists in /Library/Managed Preferences/ the LicenseFile key should not be blank. See below for what the plist looked like before this was resolved.

license is up to date, how do I push out the license from JAMF or do I run the reinstaller on the laptop to recapture the license?