WPA2 Enterprise RADIUS on Jamf Connect


Hi there,


We've just begun testing Jamf Connect in our environment and noticed that the Jamf Connect login window doesn't allow the use of WPA-2 Enterprise authentication against a RADIUS server. How do we navigate around this? We use UniFi OS with RADIUS configured on a USG.


Valued Contributor II

As far as I'm aware, hardwire or join a hotspot or another SSID that is shared key.

Esteemed Contributor

MacOS and by Extension JAMF Connect does not have a method to input any form of credentials to log in to a 802.1x network until after authenticated in to macOS. If you adjust your RADUS policy for machine authentication you can use a configuration profile to add the necessary certificates and auto join the network.


Apple is very much manage the device, not the user and until you follow that concept you will not have a good time.

New Contributor III

It sadly makes jamf connect pretty much unusable for enterprises that do not allow device authentication. How are we able to pass user credentials from Login Window to a users keychain, but unable to pass user credentials for WiFi networks? Doesn’t make sense at all in my book.

New Contributor II

Yeah this pretty much killed off the use of Jamf Connect on our staff desktop, seems a real shame its not possible.