Assigning IP Address to iPads in Jamf Now

New Contributor II

We don't use DHCP, we manually assign each network connected device a static IP.  It is possible to do this for our iPads from within Jamf Now rather than on each individual iPad?


New Contributor II

Further, so far, my research tells me that not even Jamf Pro or Apple Configurator will accomplish this. . . that the only way to accomplish this would be via MAC address on my DHCP server.  

Esteemed Contributor

Not as far as I am aware, no. I dont even think Jamf Pro could do this. If possible, you would likely need an individual blueprint for every device with an IP address assigned this way.


Is there a reason you are not using DHCP? It's very much industry standard to let IPs happen automatically. 

New Contributor II

All device types are in IP groups. . . ex: Printers 01-20, Copiers, 21-30, Desktops, 31-50, blah, blah, blah.

We "had" enabled DHCP for the Wi-Fi/iPads.  But alas, they quickly tired of letting people go that repeatedly violated (and down-right abused) the company's Wi-Fi Policy.  And I have quickly tired of manually reentering the iPad IPs at every update and sync.

FYI, we are a healthcare entity, so. . . HIPAA.

New Contributor II

When DHCP is enabled, anyone with the Wi-Fi password can connect to the network, unless using a MAC allow list.  Even if DHCP is enabled for 10 address (for 10 iPads), they do drop off at times, which would allow someone else to connect and be assigned an available IP address.  

New Contributor II

I ended up assigning the iPads an IP based on MAC address via firewall.